There were clear skies and calm waters on the bay, Sunday morning, the perfect condition for a swim.

Dozens of swimmers and even some of their companions dove right in to support service men and women for the Bayfrog Open Swim.

Abigail Rose, a swimmer from Minnesota explained why she came to Erie to swim, "We want to swim all five Great Lakes, so this is a wonderful opportunity to swim at Lake Erie and support the incredible, Uncommon Grit Foundation and everything they do."

The Erie Bay Swim was a tradition for several years before it took a hiatus. It returned last year as part of the Bayfrog Open, which is a culmination of events that raises money for the Uncommon Grit Foundation,, an organization that supports veterans and service men and women. Pete Scobell, a former Navy Seal came up with the idea to bring the swim back.

Jason Fowler, the organizer explained Scobell's background, "He was a lifeguard on Presque Isle who was involved in a major save with someone who broke their neck and he attributes that interaction as a lifeguard here on Presque Isle which gave him the courage to go through training to become a Navy Seal.

Some swimmers chose to participate in the one mile swim, not only for the experience but to help support the men and women who serve our country. Kerry Brekke, a swimmer from Minnesota said,  "It's a huge community builder, it gets people from all over the states and brings them into Erie Pennsylvania. We get to swim in the bay, which isn't normally open for swimming and the community of swimmers here and the Navy Seals we have met, it's been wonderful."

The Bayfrog Open has other events in the coming weeks including sporting clays in Waterford, and a dinner and auction and golf outing in July.