It was a big day at Edinboro University, with a ribbon cutting for the $32 million construction and renovation project of Cooper Science Hall.
The project began in January 2010. It was done in two phases, expanding the building by 30,000 square feet, then renovating the existing 90,000 square feet built in the mid 1960's.
The "new" Cooper Hall includes state-of-the-art labs, classrooms, and computer facilities for biology, chemistry, geosciences and physics. The renovated building also houses a museum, planetarium and greenhouse.
Campus leaders and faculty say the complex now has the same science and research facilities for undergraduates that are often only seen in graduate programs, a major improvement over the old Cooper Hall.
Geosciences Professor Baher Ghosheh said, "Well I think it is just night and day. This is so much better. This is like moving to the 21st century. In all honesty we were living in the 19th century. So this is a remarkable transformation."
Also today, new Edinboro University President Dr. Julie Wollman gave her first State of the University speech to a large audience at the Pogue Center.
She said she's optimistic about the future. But she said Edinboro University faces several key challenges including maintaining enrollment and balancing budgets with less funding from Harrisburg. She wants employees to help her plan for the future.
Dr. Wollman said, "I'm going to be asking our employees to participate with me in a planning program where we think about when to take this university to the next level."