Netflix's "Evil Genius," a documentary on Erie's infamous pizza bomber case, debuts Friday.

The series will focus on the 2003 death of Brian Wells.

He was delivering a pizza to the WSEE television transmitter site on Peach Street, where he was fitted with a collar bomb and given a letter that mapped out, a sort of scavenger hunt.

He was stopped on upper Peach Street after robbing a bank. That's where the bomb detonated, killing Wells. 

The trailer features a 911 call and news video to set up the case and suggests the series will explore who put the bomb on Wells and why.

Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong was convicted in the case. She died in April 2017 in prison.

Retired FBI special agent and lead investigator, Jerry Clark told Erie News Now that the four-part documentary has a surprise twist at the end and expects it to draw a lot of attention.

The documentary features never before seen pictures, video and recordings from inside the investigation.