Asbury Springhill Senior Living Opens New Aquatic Center for 30th Anniversary Celebration
The Asbury Springhill Senior Living Center community is celebrating a big anniversary with a splash.
Wednesday was Asbury Springhill Senior Living Center's 30th anniversary.
The Center celebrated by opening a new aquatic center.
The therapy pool is always 90 degrees and Springhill will offer residents open swim, aerobics classes, aquatic therapy and more.
The continuing care retirement community is all about providing residents with ways to stay active and motivated, so this new addition is perfect.
"Our focus is on lifestyle opportunities for those residents," said Executive Director Jane Gibson. "So having this addition of the aquatic center will be wonderful. We know that it's easier to move around in water and we know this is something that that's going to help them get limbered up. This is something they're looking forward to."
The aquatic center was paid for with funds donated by residents and associates.