Local Union Helps Give Strayer Iron Workers a Happy Christmas


A local union is reaching out to help its union brothers and sisters who have been on strike now for 11 weeks, as they fight for fair wages and benefits.

United Steel Workers Local 31-99 handed gift cards out to the iron workers at Strayer, who  have been without paychecks for more than two months now. The gifts are to help them have a nice Christmas with their families.

United Steel workers also collected and loaded up 100 bags of toys and gifts for children at the Barber National Institute and Sarah Reed Children's Center.

" Erie is a union town, and a labor town. To know that the steel workers and other unions are looking out for my guys, it means so much to me I can't express it in words" said Tracy Cutright, business rep for Iron Workers Regional Local 851.

The gifts are made possible through generous donations of the USW Local 3199 members, family and friends.

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