Logistics Plus Accepting More Goods to be Shipped to Poland
It's the gift that keeps on giving. At the end of the month, Vice President of Logistics Plus Gretchen Smith is sending donated goods to refugees in Lublin, Poland.
"Rep. Merski has been collecting items from nine different social clubs in Erie. You can imagine these families are leaving Ukraine with absolutely nothing. So we're trying to fill those basic needs," said Seth.
Those basic needs include diapers, linens, masks, and other essentials. The shipping company is also working with nine different agencies doing the same. Lublin and Erie have a sister city relationship where there are 30,000 refugees from Ukraine. Although nine palettes are not enough- Seth says it's only the beginning of what they need to be shipped.
"We're trying to help some of the other agencies ship their things because that's what logistic plus does." Seth continues, "So right now, we're going to decide if we want to ship this via ocean or via air."
They are leaning towards shipping by air. Last month, the company was raising half a million dollars to relocate the women working in the Ukraine branch. Right now, they made well over their mark.