Pro-Choice Activists Protest Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion
In Erie Friday evening, protestors in opposition to the SCOTUS ruling showed out in full force. Some say our country has been set back 50 years.
"This is a huge day in history right now, and I can't believe we're going backwards. I'm pissed, honestly," protestor, Savannah Wilson told Erie News Now.
Dozens of protestors came together in Downtown Erie after SCOTUS ruled abortion is no longer a constitutional right.
"I am a young adult American, and I have rights to my body. I had to tell my daughter today that she'll be growing up with fewer rights to her body than I had at her age," Laura Coulter of activism group, Erie County United, said.
Emotions were high as activists lined Senator Dan Laughlin's West 14th St. office with signs and symbols, they say reflect what this decision means for American women. "Many, many, many women will suffer or die, either from suicide or health complications, because of this," protestor Katie Dickey told Erie News Now.
Demonstrators marched from West 14th St. to North Park Row, chanting "Abortion is healthcare," and "My body. My choice."
"The SCOTUS rule today goes against everything our country was built on: the freedom of choice. They're taking that away from us," said Coulter. "We want everyone to know they need to vote to protect our choice."
Right now, protestors say they're counting on Election Day to reverse this important decision.
"It's just a big circle that we keep running around over, and over, and over, and over. I'm so tired of it," said Wilson. "We need a change."