Thursday, July 13 will mark three weeks that UE locals 506 and 618 have been on strike as negotiations between the two sides resumed on Tuesday, July 11.

Union workers received a major boost from Erie County Council as they unanimously passed a resolution showing support for them.

Erie County Council Chairman, Brian Shank said, "as the Chairman, I love to have 7-0 vote because it means we all come together, it is not a Democrat or Republican issue, it is just the right thing to do."

Bryan Pietrzak, treasurer of UE 506, praised County Council for coming together and backing the union workers.

"We want everybody on the same side as us, you are either with us or against us and to have bipartisan support is absolutely crucial for our fight to win against this company," Pietrzak said.

Wabtec's latest update as of Tuesday night read, "Today, Wabtec presented its response to the UE’s first strike settlement proposal, offering increases in hourly wage rates offset by reduced lump sum payments. The UE’s July 6 proposal reflected little movement from the union’s pre-strike position, and the parties remain far apart on key issues – including wages and benefits. The UE did not respond to the Company’s latest proposal. Negotiations will resume on Friday, July 14."