State Representative Jake Banta plans on presenting the Giles family with a citation honoring Shawn Giles for his service to the community.

"At this time we have to think about the family and that was the first thing I thought of was I have to do something to recognize his heroism and what he did for his town, he will not be forgotten," Banta said.

As North East and Fuller Hose Company prepare to say farewell to one of their own, Banta understands how important it is for the community and the family to be supported.

"They are just experiencing such a huge loss, you wake up in the morning and your loved one is gone, so he paid the ultimate price and right now we need to rally around them," Banta said.

Banta has now put together a citation honoring Giles for his service to the community and being a role model for kids in North East who may one day want to be firefighters just like Giles.

"It just takes that one little thing to spark a kid's interest and say maybe that is what I want to do is be a firefighter and that is where it grows from and we need more people to step up and volunteer and see what the firefighters do," Banta said.

When asked to use one word to describe Giles, Banta replied with the word, "hero."