PennDOT Begins Major Construction for Bayfront Parkway Improvement Project
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) began major work on the multi-year project to improve accessibility, safety, and efficiency along the central portion of the Bayfront Parkway in the City of Erie.
The $111.7 million Bayfront Parkway Central Corridor Improvement Project includes the intersections with Sassafras St. Extension, State St., and Holland Street.
Work will include the following:
- Multi-use trail connecting the existing trail network, downtown, and the waterfront.
- Overhead pedestrian bridge at Holland Street.
- Sidewalk, crosswalk, and lighting upgrades throughout the length of the project.
- Hybrid roundabouts at the intersections with Sassafras Street Extension and Holland Street.
- Grade separated intersection at State Street, including a traditional signalized at-grade intersection and a path for through traffic on the Bayfront to travel below the intersection.
- Drainage updates throughout the corridor.
According to PennDOT, construction will be done in stages over several years, starting at the Sassafras Street Extension intersection and working east toward Holland St.
The sixth and final stage is expected to start in the early spring of 2017.
More information on the Bayfront Parkway Project can be found here.