25 months ago, on February 24th, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Since then, Russia has failed to stifle the spirit of the Ukrainian people.

Mark and Christine Antal have been married for 15 years and they moved from their family, including three children from New York City to Hungary when the war started.

They stopped by our station after visiting with friends and colleagues from Logistics Plus, talking about different ways they can collaborate on their work in Ukraine. 

Logistics Plus is recognized as one of the fastest-growing transportation and logistics companies in the world.

Both Mark and Christine are U.S. Army veterans.

Mark spent over 25 years in special operations, the premiere counter terrorism unit and Christine served as the U.S. Army's legal advisor in Ukraine on security assistance programs.

They've made several trips to Ukraine over the years and in fact, Mark spends up to three weeks out of every month working and volunteering in Ukraine.

He teaches first aid classes to young mothers and the children of Ukraine.