For World Refugee Day, there was a celebration in Perry Square full of cultural dances, songs and art. Cecelia Shatem did Sudanese Henna tattoos at the event. Shatem said embracing and expressing culture brings her a lot of joy.  

“I am so happy that Erie gives the chance for refugees to show their culture. It’s a big event to us, and a big love to us,” Shatem said. 

Shatem is from South Sudan and has been in Erie for decades, but no matter where she goes, Shatem brings her culture with her.

“My heart is my culture. Here in Erie -- anywhere I go, I try to show my culture, my respect, and  dignity and respect,” Shatem said. 

Performers shared their stories and traditions. Craft vendors displayed clothing and art. 

A folklorist in residence with Erie Arts and Culture said the day is a celebration that recognizes refugee’s journeys. 

“Erie has a substantial refugee -- or should we say former refugee population because they’re not refugees anymore. They’re here. They have a place to stay. They have a pathway to citizenship. They’re here legally, and this is their new home. So, we are all coming together to celebrate them and their culture, their song, their dance, and their entrepreneurial spirit,” Armor said.