Kelly Logan and Cory Richez are the co-founders of the Suicide Awareness Bus & Spirit house. The couple travels the United States to allow people to grieve and remember loved ones they lost to suicide.

"Suicide hit really close to home for us. I have had family and friends commit suicide," co-founder of the Suicide Awareness Bus and Spirit House Kelly Logan said. "I'm a suicide survivor. My husband also has lost family and friends to suicide, and that is what really inspired this."

In 2022 there were an estimated 1.6 million suicide attempts and suicide was the 11th leading cause of death in the United States.

Kelly and Cory have been doing this for roughly two and a half years now and had another memorial before their current suicide awareness bus

"This is our second memorial wall, for mental health and suicide awareness, " Logan said. "Tragically our first one caught fire, that one did 32 states, 16 months and 48 thousand miles."

The current bus has been around for 14 months and has already collected over 5,000 names on it. Kelly and Cory, both told me that what they do...

"Is beautifully sad, beautiful for what we are doing, but sad to see so many names in such a short amount of time," Logan said.

It is often overshadowed, or just completely overlooked, but June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month and Logan shared why it is so hard for men to speak out about their dark thoughts.

"Men are brought up to believe that talking about their emotions, showing their emotions and crying is a sign of weakness," Logan said. "In reality it is a super strength when you can do that, it takes courage."