The Mercy Center for Women has been serving Erie County for 30 years by providing transitional housing and support services for women and children who are experiencing homelessness.

Jennie Hagerty, executive director, said typically they receive inquiries from about 70 women a month but in June, that number was 88.

"On average three to four times a day someone is reaching out in need of housing and you wrap the mental health concerns into that as well and it just becomes very complex," Hagerty said.

Hagerty said even with the work they continue to do, both nationally and locally here in Erie County, the homelessness problem is getting worse.

"We are growing in those numbers. Gratefully, I think we have incredible housing providers that are doing their fair share to house individuals as needed and I think there are some great initiatives around the pike too," she said.

With that number of 88 women seeking help, it also encourages Hagerty, indicating that more women know if they need help, it is there for them.

"Before that maybe it was something that they were not comfortable doing but whether it is the Mercy Center for Women or another housing program in Erie County, individuals are becoming more comfortable in making that phone call, sending that email or knocking on someone's door," she said.

While offering housing and support for those struggling in our community, Hagerty said the Center also provides women with hope.

"They do not need to ask for forgiveness, they know the road they have walked and they are here to get themselves better, become better people and parents in society and our doors are always open to and for them," she said.

If you are a woman and need help, Hagerty said the information you need can be found on their website: