Crawford County's Centralized Truancy Program Receives Pa. Association of Court Management's Innovation Award


Crawford County's Centralized Truancy Court program has been awarded the Pennsylvania Association of Court Management's (PACM) Innovation Award for their approach to addressing truancy issues. 

The PACM Innovation Award recognizes a project, program or event that has had a perceivable impact in areas including, but limited to: case processing, case management, court security and access to justice. 

According to the PACM, the recognition underscores the importance of community collaboration and innovative problem solving in addressing complex issues such as truancy. 

Crawford County's truancy program is structured to provide uniform and comprehensive enforcement. Students are supported by the program and their families to address the root causes of truancy and to ensure that the child has the opportunity to succeed academically. 

Truancy occurs when a school-age student accrues unexcused absences, regardless of whether they occur separately or all at one time. 

According to the PACM, truancy has been linked to poor academics, serious delinquency, which can lead to a greater chance of incarceration, drug and alcohol use, poorer health outcomes and lower paying jobs. 

More information on truancy can be found here

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