The Rewards of Stamp Collecting: The Last Word
I have read that stamp collecting is the King of Hobbies and the Hobby of Kings. I have read that stamp collecting is the World's Most Rewarding Hobby. Well, I want to find out for myself. So, I'm going to a meeting of the Erie Stamp Club.
The stamp club meets twice a month at New Hope Presbyterian Church in Millcreek. All the members share a love of collecting stamps. I walk into this meeting with a preconceived notion that stamp collecting is all about making money. That it’s all about seeing your albums of stamps grow in value. Gary Diley, the president of the Erie Stamp Club, sets me straight.
"I will tell you that I don’t believe any of our local club members are in this for investment. My collection is OK., but it's a hobby,” he said. “I am not a stamp investor. I don't buy stamps to make money. I buy stamps and collect stamps because it's a hobby."
Stamp collecting may be the world's most rewarding hobby, but with this group, the greatest rewards are not financial but educational. Gary says the hobby has taught him a great deal about history and geography. Also, stamp collectors will tell you that are rewarded with a lot of fun. They can collect different stamps from all over the world.
"For every person out there, they have their own interests and their own curiosities. Some people collect issues of just a single stamp,” says Gary.
Stamp collecting also brings back childhood memories. Most members of the Erie Stamp Club began collecting stamps at a young age. Frank Sovec, the secretary/treasurer of the club, started around age 9.
"I'd go to the post office often enough that the postman would save the new commemorative stamps for me,” he recalls.
The Erie Stamp Club holds stamp shows several times a year. It's an event where stamp collectors from miles around can come and see if they can find that certain stamp that has eluded them for years. Also, people who have inherited collections can come and get that collection appraised.
The stamp club usually holds an auction during its regular meetings. Members can buy and sell parts of their collection every month. The king of hobbies. It's a lot of fun.
The Erie Stamp Club is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The club meets the second and fourth Thursday at the New Hope Presbyterian Church on Washington Avenue in Millcreek. Anyone interested in stamp collecting is invited.