Chautauqua County Recognizes Overdose Awareness Week

[image] Overdose Awareness Week recognized in Dunkirk, NY

In Chautauqua County, local leaders are taking action to raise awareness about overdose prevention.

On August 26, 2024, the County Executive and Dunkirk Mayor, along with other officials, gathered at City Hall to kick off Overdose Awareness Week.

Paul Wendel Jr., Chautauqua County Executive, emphasized the importance of community involvement. “We are seeing community support and community outcry, and that is really where it is going to start," stated Wendel. "We all need to be a part of the solution, and we are going to continue to work together. There are so many agencies and so many stakeholders, and we will continue to expand what we do as a county and just continue to fight.”

According to the New York State Department of Health, there were over 5,000 reported opioid-related deaths in New York State in 2021, marking an 18.5 percent increase from 2020. While the numbers are smaller in counties like Chautauqua, local authorities are committed to driving that number to zero.

Kate Wdowiasz, Mayor of Dunkirk, shared her personal connection to the issue saying, “There’s not one person in this community that hasn’t been touched by addiction, in some way, shape, or form, so really personally to me, this means a lot. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a close co-worker, it really means a lot to get the message out to everybody.”

“Events like this really mean a lot, as far as getting out to the public. It’s a growing problem, not only in our area but throughout the country,” noted Michael Nordin, Interim Program Director of the Mental Health Association of Chautauqua County.

Jennifer Larson, from CHQ Together We Can Coalition, expressed hope that the event will spark positive change, saying, “We are hoping that this is the beginning of a movement. The idea of coming together and starting that difficult conversation to help people feel more comfortable, break down the stigma, build awareness, and educate our people.”

Authorities hope that outreach efforts like these will help reduce the stigma surrounding overdose and foster a supportive community.

The Chautauqua County Department of Mental Health and CHQ Together We Can Coalition will be hosting their first “Be the Light” event on August 31st from 5:00pm until 8:30pm at the lower pavilion of Point Gratiot Park in Dunkirk, NY where the community is welcome to come out and honor the lives lost to overdose.

For more information about the Be the Light event and overdose awareness week, visit here.

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