2024 Waldameer Season Comes to Close & Spider Ride Retires

Labor day marks one last chance to play games and go on rides for the 2024 Waldameer season. 

"What I love about Waldameer is the roller coasters, and the other thing I love about it is that you can have so much fun there,” one young amusement park goer Auraelia said. 

There are many roller coasters to love and one classic ride is the spider.

"I think the best part about it is the drop because it’s steep, but isn’t scary at the same time,” Auraelia said.  

The spider has been at the park for over four decades, and after this season, the ride is retiring from the park.

"It's sad when you have something that's been going on that long, and so many people have enjoyed it. That's why we come out and we're going to continue to ride it a few more times,” James Morrison said.

President of the park, Steve Gorman says as they say goodbye to the spider, they'll welcome in a new ride. 

“This is the 48th year. I did some math, there’s probably 2 and a half million riders on the ride. I had a good life here. We’re sad to see it go, but it's time for it to move to a new home and we’ll have something new here,” Gorman said. 

As for how the season went, Gorman said they did just what they set out to do.

“I mean we’re here to provide fun. I think we did that. Today’s a good testament. People are coming on the last day, and sharing the holiday with us. It makes me happy that people want to come to my park,” Gorman said.

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