How Candidates Can Sway Independent Voters

A recent Pennsylvania poll says that 3% of voters are undecided. However, an additional 12% of voters say they have a candidate preference, but might change their mind.

All together, 15% of voters might still be swayed to vote for one candidate or the other.

Former President Donald trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are neck and neck in the polls before last nights debate.

Franklin and Marshall College, who conducted the poll, say most of those flexible voters are independents.

Ballot PA, an advocacy group for open primaries, says independent voters care about their access to the election process.

"If I were Ryan Bizzarro, Dan Laughlin, a Kamala Harris, a Donald Trump— I would say, what do you want? And the answer is, I want to be able to vote in every single election that I pay for,” said David Thornburgh, chair of Ballot PA. "So to me— and we've done a lot of research on this— that is the message that will turn out independents, and it will persuade independents, and it will determine the victor in those races."

Thornburgh also noted that independents tend to be more moderate, so less extreme views from candidates can appeal to more voters.

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