Gannon and Ursuline Announce Partnership

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Gannon university and Ursuline College signed a letter of intent to enter a strategic partnership. It comes after planning how to keep campuses growing 

“. . . to expand Gannon University as we look at the headwinds of higher education, decreasing populations, changing demographics, more potential college students looking at not going to college and university, we develop the map strategy: mergers, affiliations, partnerships,” President of Gannon University Dr. Walter Iwanenko Jr said.

The merger helps campuses, during a time of lowering college enrollment. 

“We have to give credit to the Ursuline sisters. They are looking at the future and they've come to a realization that if they don't do something different then Ursuline College will fall in that same pathway as some other institutions. This year we've had at the rate of one per week, a college or university closed down in the United States so it's happening all around us,” Dr. Iwanenko Jr said. 

The partnership between Gannon and Ursuline provides new opportunities and programs to the students.

“We are a student focused institution, and that should be part of every decision we make. A result of this will be greater opportunities for students. We’ll be able to expand academic offerings in ways we couldn't otherwise,” President of Ursuline College Dr. David King

This partnership will also help the vision of the Ursuline Sisters who founded Ursuline college.

“We are amazingly aligned in terms of our mission, our core values, our heritage. Even if you go back to the founders of each respected institution, there's a tremendous amount of common ground,” Dr. King said. 


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