Legion Riders Post 571 Present Check to Warriors to Washington

Giving back to the community has always been a priority for the Legion Riders Post 571 in Wesleyville.

Don King, director, said the riders have a special connection with the group and Joe Pfadt, retired Harborcreek Senior High School teacher and president of Warriors to Washington.

"He knew and had as students the three service members from the Harborcreek area that had been lost, which would be my son, Jarrid King, Bryan Bell and Donald Oaks, so it only made sense that we needed to support their cause," King said.

All members of the military have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both foreign and domestic but King said being in D.C. to see the actual document because of Warriors to Washington was special.

"They take these veterans and their significant others because they are veterans, they go through it too, to D.C. for the weekend, all expenses paid, and they show them all there is to see," he said.

King, a veteran himself, made the journey with Warriors to Washington previously and said the trip is an experience like no other.

"We all have the same gut reaction when we see the memorials, when we walk through Arlington National Cemetery and witness or participate in the laying of a wreath, that cuts you right to the core and that makes it all worthwhile for all of us," King said.

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