The Community Blood Bank recently launched its newest campaign, Don't Be a Scaredy Cat, to highlight the importance of blood donation this Halloween. 

The blood bank is leaning into the spooky theme by offering all donors who give at the Erie Donor Center a limited-edition, Halloween themed t-shirt as a token of appreciation. The Don't Be a Scaredy Cat, Be a Blood Donor t-shirts will be available Monday, October 28 through Friday, November 1.* 

Additionally, the blood bank is inviting kids of all ages to visit the blood bank for a pre-trick-or-treating event on Halloween (Thursday, October 31). The trick-or-treating event will be held from 3:30-5:30 at the Erie Donor Center. 

Event organizers say kids will have the opportunity to learn about the blood donation process and the impact it has on the community during the trick-or-treating event. 

Outside of the Halloween fun, the Community Blood Bank is partnering with Mighty Fine Donuts to launch Mighty Fine Mondays! 

On Mighty Fine Mondays, the first three blood donors will receive a complimentary dozen of donuts from Might Fine Donuts. The new initiative will take place every other Monday starting October 28. 

The Erie Donor Center opens at 8 a.m. on Mondays. 

To schedule an appointment to give blood call 814-456-4206. Appointments are not required but are encouraged to reduce wait time. 

*Shirts are available as supplies last.