Local Races Spend Over $3.6 Million in Political Campaigns


Open Secrets, a campaign finance tracking website, estimates America will spend $15.9 billion dollars on the 2024 general election for presidential and congressional races. Pennsylvania has been flooded with donations and advertisements from out of state sources—especially for the national and state wide races.

But what do the local races in our area look like?

Between 18 local candidates for both Pennsylvania Senate and House, northwest Pennsylvania has seen over $3.6 million spent in political campaigns for local races.

In Erie county, Democrat Jim Wertz and Republican Dan Laughlin have the most expensive race of the region.

Wertz and collaborating sources have spent $1.47 million since May.

Laughlin has spent over $2 million since the middle of September.

A large portion of both of their funds are going towards television, radio, and digital ads.

“I think at the end of this election, we will be horrified by the sheer amount of spending, but then we will also have to ask hard questions as to if the pouring money into these advertisements actually works,” Brittany Crampsie said, a Democrat campaign strategist.

Looking at the Pennsylvania House races in our area, Rep. Ryan Bizzarro has spent over $200,000 in House district three.

His republican opponent, Micah Goring, has spent $260 thousand-- most of that coming from in-kind spending (when a separate group collaborates with a campaign on how to spend funds).

There are contested races in District 2, 4, 6, 64, and 65— though none of them are actually considered competitive. Overall, candidates spent around $40,900 between the five races.

Rep. Pat Harkins, running uncontested, spent over $20,000. His expense reports showed several sizable donations made to other Democrat elected officials running for office across the state.

Pennsylvania campaign finance reports do not represent all money spent on local races in an area. There are external groups that do not register with the state’s database that can pour money into campaigning efforts. There are some reports not available on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s online filing website.

Below is a list of all local candidates, with hyperlinks to their campaign websites when possible:


PA SENATE: District 49

District 21


District 1 (Erie County)


District 2 (Erie County)


District 3 (Erie County)


District 4 (Erie County)


District 6: (Erie & Crawford County) 

District 65 (Warren County & Crawford County & Forest County)


District 64 (Venango County & Crawford County)


District 17 (Mercer County & Butler County)


District 7 (Mercer County)


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