North East Boil Water Advisory Do's and Do Not's
On Dec. 20, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) issued a Field Order requiring the boil water advisory to the North East Borough Water Department.
The PADEP's filter plant inspection noted tears and standing water on the floating cover at Fairchild Reservoir, providing finished water for the North East Borough and North East Township.
Here are some things to keep in mind if you are under a Boil Water Advisory:
- Drinking water
- Use commercially bottled water or boiled water for drinking. Any and all tap water used must boil for at least a minute and cooled down before used.
- Cooking
- Use commercially bottled water for preparing and cooking food. For infants breastfeeding is the best option.
- Handwashing
- Best practice is to use only boiled, bottled or treated water for handwashing. Hand sanitizer should be available as well.
- Bathing and Showering
- Do not swallow any water when bathing or showering. Use caution when bathing babies and young children. A sponge bath is suggested to reduce the chance of them swallowing water.
- Brushing Teeth
- Residents are not to use tap water for brushing teeth, best to use boiled water or commercially bottled water.
- Washing Dishes
- Use disposable dishes and utensils if possible.
- Dishwasher is only to be used if the final rinse temperature reaches 180 degrees or above. If that cannot be verified dishes should be put in approved sanitizer (verified to have 100 ppm chlorine).
- Laundry
- Sage to wash and dry as usual.
Information provided by the North East Borough and CDC.