We spoke to fans from Buffalo who traveled to every Otters game that McDavid played in, sharing how he changed the game for hockey in Erie. "You watch him for just 15 seconds, and you completely understand that he's a different breed of hockey player," says Mitch Yugy.

Darcie Scabola, Merchandise Manager, reflects on the sold-out crowd, which was exactly what she anticipated with Connor's return. "Erie is a huge hockey town, and when you bring back a player like McDavid, it's just everything we love to see. It really brings the whole community together."

Jill Kirkland, who has worked at the concession stands at Erie Insurance Arena for over 35 years, shares that Connor McDavid brought the largest fanbase she's ever seen. "When Connor came back, that's when the crowds started packing in. Hockey really picked up, and Erie had a person to rally around. We’re thrilled to have him back home."