Technology is changing every day, and the pandemic highlighted the need for new, faster and more efficient gear to help with Internet needs.

Great Lakes Data Racks & Cabinets has a high speed reach around the world.

Jonathan Markley is the President of the company and operates out of their headquarters in Edinboro. 

"Email servers, phone communication systems that type of equipment is put into our product," said Markley. "So, these products go all over the world."

The company started back in 1985, and was originally called Great Lakes Case and Cabinets but a few years ago the company re-branded. 

They create made to order racks for customers using 100 percent North American steel, and provide powering options to clients too.

"These aren't the power strips that are behind your TV at home," said Markley. "These are much more advanced pieces of equipment. You can see there's a touch screen you can network into this you can shut devices on an off remotely."

There's a team of 150 people in Erie County servicing clients both nationally and internationally. 

It's an evolution that started with Rob and Carrie Lowther, the founders of the business.

"He was working in the telecom industry as it really started to take off and really saw an opportunity was not being addressed by current suppliers," said Markley. 

The focus then and now is customer service, quality and efficiency. Items are sent out within 24 to 48 hours.

As for future company plans?

"What we're starting to see now is that products are moving outside they're moving networking equipment out closer to where its being used. So, 5G communication, self driving vehicles, things like that," said Markley. "People are putting the communication gear closer to where its needed. So, its a whole different type of enclosure for us."

In addition to the Erie County operations, the company also has a distribution centers in Nevada, Florida, and Ireland. They also do some manufacturing in Hungary.

Certainly a global reach, right from Erie.